Building against cython
headers for primer3-py
installed in your environment
Write your code like this below:
# this works with a file named thermoanalysis.pxd in the primer3 repo
cimport primer3.thermoanalysis as thermoanalysis
# but below does not
from primer3 cimport thermoanalysis
as You MUST use absolute package paths in cimports i.e.
cimport A.B and not from A cimport B
from primer3 import thermoanalysis
cdef thermoanalysis.ThermoAnalysis a = thermoanalysis.ThermoAnalysis()
print("MAX NN LENGTH", a.max_nn_length)
cdef char* foo = "ACGTACGT"
print("TM:", a.calc_tm_c(foo))
and to build/install using a standard
add the lines (fill in the …s)
import primer3
my_ext = Extension(
and it should work